Version Numbering September 01, 2021

I recently got some push-back on my latest beta releases, specifically on the format of my version numbers (1.0b1 for PDFio, and 1.1b1 for PAPPL). I’ve been using this scheme for many years now, and it is hardly unique. What follows is a short summary of the history, standards, and best practices for version numbers…

Some History

Version numbering has long been a source of pain in software. Early programs either lacked version numbers or used integers (“version 1”, “version 2”, etc.) to identify some release. Bug fixes often turned these integers into real numbers (1.01, 1.02, etc.) where a newer version was numerically greater than the older version (1.01 is older than 1.1, etc.)

A modified version of this scheme gradually replaced real number versioning where two or more integers separated by periods represented a version number, for example 1.0 was the first release of (major) version 1, 1.1 was the second release, and so forth. Bug fixes (patches) yielded a third number - 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc. The notion of alpha-, beta-, and pre-release software became a thing with all sorts of formats - 1.0b1, 1.0-pre1, etc. Then developers got serious and declared release candidates and golden masters!

Large companies started tracking build numbers in addition to public version numbers. For example, Apple uses a numbering scheme that can be roughly translated as “majorMINORbuildPATCH”, where “major” is an integer representing the internal major release number, “MINOR” is an uppercase letter (A=0, B=1, C=2, …) representing a minor update to that major release, “build” is an integer representing the number of times that “build train” (branch) has been built, and “PATCH” is a lowercase letter (omitted for the first build) representing the number of times a build had to be patched (components rolled back and the combined build re-tested) to yield a functional build. Thus, the current macOS® 12.0 Beta 6 has a version number of “21A5294g” - major version 21, minor version 0, build number 5294, patch 7.

This last wrinkle demonstrates an important distinction - there are version numbers that are used for human consumption (“macOS 12”) and version numbers that are used for computers (“21A5294g”). Some packaging schemes define rules for comparing version number strings, while others provide explicit ways to assign sequences or values for comparison.


Of course, eventually people got together to define standards. In the open source community, the Semantic Versioning standard is quite popular, although most Linux packaging systems don’t exactly conform (more below).

The Trusted Network Connect standard defines version numbers as a set of four 16-bit unsigned integers that can effectively be compared as a single 64-bit value or treated as four separated integers, e.g. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH+BUILD for display/interoperability purposes. This has trickled down to IPP and other standards.

Snapcraft packages can have any version number string they like. Snaps are tracked by their build numbers which are (manually) assigned to stable, candidate, beta, and edge (as in “bleeding edge”) releases that users can install.

Where It All Falls Apart

Most of the version numbering standards focus on identifying production code. As I mentioned at the top of this article, I’ve been using more-or-less standard suffixes to identify beta (MAJOR.MINORbNUMBER) and release candidate (MAJOR.MINORrcNUMBER) source archives that allow developers to try my new software out and report any issues they encounter, but I don’t expect this software to be released to the general public as it is not yet production code. But if a developer does choose to package it up, most of the traditional Linux packaging formats (RPM, Debian, Slackware, etc.) will treat 1.0b1 as older than 1.0.0 so the right thing will happen when I release 1.0.0 and the developer packages that code.

The Semantic Versioning specification gives lip-service to supporting so-called “pre-release” suffixes (1.0.0-alpha1, 1.0.0-beta.2, etc.) but it is up to you (i.e., not standardized) to define the meaning of the names. Common suffixes are “alpha”, “beta”, “pre”, and “rc” - it is just important to keep the names you use in lexical sort order so that the version number comparisons work as expected. Alas, none of the Linux package formats actually support Semantic Versioning suffixes, so that 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0 upgrade won’t actually happen…

The TNC-style four number version tuple is even less flexible - there is literally no way to express a beta release. More than likely you’ll end up using the last number as a build number and (internally) decide when you have a final build for a particular MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH version.


With 30+ years of software development experience I can make the following recommendations:

  1. Define a version numbering scheme that works for your project, and use it consistently. This scheme naturally may depend on where you plan to release your software.

  2. If you distribute binaries, build numbers are an important part of your software version number. Automate the build number whenever possible, for example git rev-list --all --count will give you the number of commits pushed to the Git repository used by your build system.

  3. If you distribute APIs, don’t remove APIs in minor or patch releases. If you have to remove an API, it is time for a major version number change.

Version numbering is an important part of your software development plan. You should have a software development plan whether you are developing software by yourself or as part of a large team. It can even be written down on the back of a napkin during lunch…

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